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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Welcome to Dart, Goodbye JavaScript ...

Google finally released a new programming language, that is predicted as a replacement for JavaScript. The program is called the Dart. Announcement of the launch of a new programming language that is done by a Google software engineer, Lars Bak, in his blog on October 10, 2011 yesterday. The launch of this Dart will be very beneficial for web developers. Why? Because Dart is object-oriented programming language that is specifically designed by Google to facilitate the work of our role in building a web developer web-based applications. As I mentioned above, the mission that carried the Google for this new programming language is replaced by the javascript that Google considered to be less flexible for web programming.
Language structure owned by Dart does not vary much with javascript, therefore, believed to be the developers who are already accustomed to using javascript coding will not be familiar with Dart. Excess of the Dart is the language code can be compiled into Java language code. Thus, applications built on the Dart can be run on almost any browser, without exception car device that supports javascript. How my friend? Attracted to move to the Dart?

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LivingShed said...

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goodiesnbadies said...

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Somoon said...

Thank for the visit.

G.Schmackvoll said...

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Unknown said...

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G.Schmackvoll said...

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Freshzone said...

blogwalking :)

my memorabillia said...

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rockmanticks said...

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j O C y said...

nice articles..keep on posting..

Annie said...
