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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Topographic Map of Earth's Most Complete

Ministry of Economy, trade and Industry in cooperation with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has successfully released the latest update of the most complete topographic map of Earth ever collected. In other words, there has never been before the earth topographic maps are more complete than that now. This new topographic maps are generated from the data transmitter terra, NASA's space vehicles. The data shown on these maps represent the most complete topographic data. In addition, this map also has a high resolution. The data can be seen on this map covers 99 percent of Earth's landmass. Extraordinary is not it?!

As quoted from PopSci, October 19, 2011, a global digital elevation model is the result of the instrument drawings collected by the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) of Japan.

ASTER is an instrument that flew Terra. He is tasked to collect images in the appearance of long wavelength thermal infrared in two dimensions, but by combining two slightly offset 2-D image as a stereo pair.

Images are able to create 3-D visual effects that accurately convey the elevation data around the world.

Actually, in June of 2009 has been released before the global elevation of the original model. However, this latest version there are several additions over the previous version, including adding more than a quarter million new stereo pair for setting data, improved spatial resolution and vertical accuracy of the expanded coverage with a diameter of 0.6 million. In addition, this latest version is capable of supporting all the earth's surface, ranging from 83 degrees north latitude to 83 degrees south latitude.
Dala data maps can be utilized all the people for a variety of applications, ranging from urban planning techniques m. ekspkorasi environmental studies or mineral. For those of you gentlemen who want to get the whole model can be downloaded from the USGS site.

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