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Saturday, October 15, 2011

What is Captcha?

I am very confident that Buddy Blogger might have heard or seen / read the word "CAPTCHA". Maybe between Buddy Blogger there wondering, What is CAPTCHA?
CAPTCHA stands for Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. The term was coined by Luis von Ahn, Manuel Blum, Nicholas J. Hopper, and John Langford in 2000. CHAPTCHA is the type of response test used in the computing world that aims to ensure that the user is human or a human, and not a robot. The process usually involves a server that asks the user to complete a simple test that has been identified by the server. In this case, the other computer is assumed not to be able to solve the test in question, so that every user who enters the right solution suspected as a human being. A common type of CAPTCHA requires the user to type letters and or numbers of the distorted image that appears on the screen.
There may be among the bloggers who are wondering, why must use a CAPTCHA? Actually what CAPTCHA fungi? Here are some of the functions of the CAPTCHA.
Preventing Spam Comments on Blog
As we all know, there are some who like to send comments Blogger false. This is done using a program. Usually the goal is to increase rankings on search engines. This is called comment spam. Here, the role CAPTCHA is required. By using CAPTCHA, only humans can enter comments on the blog. No need to make users register before they enter comments.
Protecting Registration Site
Some companies (Yahoo, Microsoft, etc.) offers a free email service. Until a few years ago, most of these services suffer from certain types of attack: "bots" that would apply to thousands of email accounts every minute. The solution to this problem is to use a CAPTCHA to ensure that only people who will get an email account. In general, free services should be protected with a CAPTCHA to prevent abuse by automated programs.
Preventing Dictionary Attacks
In addition to the above, the CAPTCHA can also be used to prevent dictionary attacks in password systems. The idea is simple: prevent a computer from being able to iterate through the entire space of passwords by requiring to solve a CAPTCHA after a failed login.
Search Engine Bot.
Worms and Spam
CAPTCHAs also offer a reasonable solution against email worms and spam: ". I will only receive emails if I knew there was another man behind a computer" Some companies are already marketing this idea.
Once we know the function, now we will discuss how the application of a CAPTCHA to the website.
If your website needs protection from spammers, you can use the CAPTCHA. But in its use, there are some guidelines is highly recommended, among other things:
Must be accessible CAPTCHA, CAPTCHAs based solely on reading text - or a visual-perception tasks - prevent the robot or machine from accessing the protected resource. In addition to visual form, now also exist in the form of CAPTCHAs audio. This is done to make it easier for visually impaired users.
Security Image Image
From the text should be distorted randomly before being presented to the user. Many implementations of CAPTCHA using distorted text, or text with only minor distortion. This implementation is vulnerable to simple automated attacks.
Security Script
Building a secure CAPTCHA is not easy. In addition to making images unreadable by computers, the system must ensure that there is no easy way around it at the script level.
While it seems safe, a CAPTCHA still have gaps that may still be penetrated, including:
Exploiting bugs in the implementation that allows an attacker to completely bypass the CAPTCHA
Increasing character recognition software, or
Using cheap manpower to process the test.

Blogger pal, we have discussed about the function, installation guidelines, until the gap is probably impenetrable. Hopefully a little and ugly graffiti could be useful for us all. Please be corrected, and do not forget to leave a comment.

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Berbagai Informasi Trik dan Tips said...

sukses slalu sobat ku.... kekuatan traffik pengunjung kita bersama


Cik tikah said...

1st time heard of that word

Unknown said...

Nice Info Thumbs Up :D
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Cikgu Badar said...

nice post

BRI Jakarta Veteran said...

great info & thanks for sharing

Arrey said...

Semoga sukses gan...

Prapatan Kertek said...

Menarik untuk di baca dan disimak..good share friend..!
Yuk kita budayakan saling support sesama blogger.!

SAGITA COM said...

mantab, mari saling berbagi ilmu !

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Nice posting

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Unknown said...

nice article ;)

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Asis Sugianto said...

yes i now captcha

Mommy Liz said...

hmm.. that's pretty interesting. I know sometimes it's a hassle but I guess it's great to filter spam comments.

Unknown said...

Ciao Van der,
in italiano è spiegato molto male, ma proverò.

Sinto said...

wah gak ngerti bhs nya hehe

Farixsantips said...

tanpa captcha banyak spam nih bro :D bagus tuh emang

Anonymous said...

My friend, thank you very much for your visit, happy Wednesday with peace & happiness. Hugs Valter.

yuni nurita said...

dulu sbelum pasang Captcha.. banyak sekali coment spam yang masuk sampe dibikin pusing.. tapi setelah pasang Captcha, spam coment sama sekali tak ada lagi...
nice info nya nih,,,
salam hangat by :

Zona Indonesia said...

Nice info... some time I dont like captcha... if too dificult to read :) Peace

Anonymous said...

Hello my friend, thank you very much for your visit, happy Friday with peace & happiness. Hugs Valter.

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Acer laptop review said...

Captcha terkadang bisa di jebol juga ma spammer .. :(

Sandy said...

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saya mah suka bingung kalo harus nulis captcha kadang suka salah nulis.. :)

Tebinfea said...

Hallo mein Freund.
Gute Mittwoch.
Letzter Tag des November.
Tausend Küsse.